Medinice @ Strefa Biznesu

Scientists from Poland have made a breakthrough. Devices are supposed to save heart patients

Medinice expects that next year two leading innovative medical projects will be ready for expansion. The company’s positive scenario assumes the admission of PacePress and CoolCryo to the European market and CoolCryo to the US market, revealed to Strefa Biznesu Sanjeev Choudhary, co-founder, largest shareholder and president of Medinice.

Heart disease affects over 59 million people worldwide, and by 2040, this number will increase to around 120 million. According to the WHO, 29% of deaths are caused by heart disease and strokes, which together are the fastest growing threat to our civilization. Therefore, it is no longer surprising that the number of cardiac surgeries performed in the last 20 years has increased by over 50%.

In response to the growing needs of the dynamic health market, the listed company Medinice, which develops advanced medical technologies (medtech sector), is emerging. The implemented projects have the potential not only to improve the effectiveness of treatment, but also to reduce the time of hospitalization and the costs of therapy.