Investor Relations

Medinice has been discovering, developing, and researching medical devices in the field of cardiology and cardiac surgery for over 10 years. Our commitment is focused on designing minimally invasive solutions that improve the patient’s quality of life. Leveraging our scientific and engineering expertise, we prototype first-in-class medical devices aimed at providing effective therapies for a broad spectrum of recipients. Medinice boasts a diverse portfolio of projects conducted with the support of the Scientific Council and various scientific and research institutions from Poland and around the world.

Shareholder structure

NameShares% of votes @ AGM
Suwalski Piotr472 4087%
Other shareholders5 989 88369%
Total 6 462 291100%

Share price

Investor’s schedule

DataPeriodic report
28.03.2024Separate and consolidated annual report for 2023.
28.05.2024 Consolidated and standalone periodic report for Q1 2024 r.
Consolidated interim report for the first half of 2024.
(date amended by ESPI 24/2024)
22.11.2024 Consolidated and separate periodic report for Q3 2024 r.

Dividend policy

Management Board of Medinice S.A. on July 1, 2019 adopted a resolution on the Company’s dividend policy. If the Company earns a profit that may be allocated for distribution, the Company’s Management Board intends to submit a dividend payment proposal to the Ordinary General Meeting each year in accordance with the following parameters:

Amount of profit to be divideddividend sum
15.000.000 – 50.000.000 PLNat least 50% of the amount of profit to be distributed
50.000.000 – 100.000.000 PLNat least 60% of the amount of profit to be distributed
over 100.000.000 PLNat least 75% of the amount of profit to be distributed

Medinice group structure

Media about us